Copyright © 2018 GALA TAPICC. All rights reserved.
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This prose specification is one component of a Work Product that also includes:
Extraction and merging examples from https://galaglobal.github.io/TAPICC/T1/WG3/wd01/extraction_examples/
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Citation format
When referencing this specification the following citation format should be used:
XLIFF 2 Extraction and Merging Best Practice, Version 1.0 Edited by David Filip and Ján Husarčík. 26 June 2018. Working Draft 01. https://galaglobal.github.io/TAPICC/T1/WG3/wd01/XLIFF-EM-BP-V1.0-wd01.html. Latest version: N/A.html.
Copyright © GALA TAPICC 2018. All rights reserved.
The Translation API Cases and Classes (TAPICC) initiative is a collaborative, community-driven, open source project to advance API standards in the Localization industry. The overall purpose of this project is to provide a metadata and API framework on which users can base their integration, automation and interoperability efforts.
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26 June 2018
This Informational Best Practice specification targets designers of XLIFF Extracting and Merging tools for content owners. It gathers common problems that are prone to appear when Extracting XLIFF Documents from HTML, generic XML, or Markdown. This specification shows why some Extraction approaches will cause issues during an XLIFF Roundtrip. This best practice guidance provides better thought through alternatives and shows how to use many of advanced XLIFF features for lossless Localization roundtrip of HTML and XML based content.
Apart form terminology and concepts defined here, this specification makes heavy use of terms defined in the XLIFF Standards [ XLIFF-2.1 ] such as: Extractor, Merger, Translation, XLIFF Document, XLIFF-defined, etc.
XLIFF-defined attributes on structural or inline elements
providing additional contexts, such as
. Attributes fs
and subFs
defined in the
XLIFF Format Style Module are also considered context
pairs, orphaned
, well formed
, standalone
are inline codes used to represent
native format inline markup in XLIFF Documents.
![]() |
Note |
Inline codes can reference original data in the XLIFF Core <originalData> standoff element. |
pairs and well
formed <mrk>
are XLIFF-defined inline
marker elements designed for inline annotations of content with metadata.
![]() |
Note |
Markers are distinct from inline codes (see). Markers can be combined with Module or Extension based standoff elements for rich metadata that would be complicated or impossible to display inline. |
This Informational Best Practice targets designers of XLIFF Extracting and Merging Tools for content owners. XLIFF Roundtrip designers of all kinds will benefit, no matter if they design their XLIFF Extractor/Merger for corporate or blog use.
Extraction and Merging behavior is out of the normative scope of OASIS XLIFF Specifications. Although those specifications do provide some guidance for Extractor and Merger Agents, XLIFF TC did not attempt to prescribe how exactly to use XLIFF to represent native content. This is mostly because XLIFF is a native-format-agnostic Localization Interchange Format.
This specification gathers common problems that are prone to appear when Extracting XLIFF Documents from HTML, generic XML, or Markdown. This specification shows why some Extraction approaches will cause issues during an XLIFF Roundtrip, issues often so severe that Merging back of target content will not be possible without costly post-processing or could fail utterly. This best practice guidance provides better thought through alternatives and shows how to use many of the advanced XLIFF features for lossless Localization roundtrip of mainly HTML and XML based content. Often, there are no ultimate prescribed solutions, rather possible design goals are described and best methods how to achieve them proposed.
The concepts described in the next section are usually grouped by a common theme with no particular order.
Taking time to consider not only what to Extract, but how to Extract it, and how to structure the XLIFF Document can significantly reduce number of issues during the roundtrip and enable usage of additional features offered by the XLIFF Standards.
Native formats can contain structural elements dividing its content into parts, such as title, body, header and footer, or tables, lists and divs for markup languages; or windows, dialogs, and menus for software resources.
Representing native structural elements in XLIFF using potentially nested
elements can be useful for providing, and correctly scoping:
additional context (
, attributes from Format Style Module)
restrictions (
, attributes from Size and Length Restriction Module)
whitespace handling (
information from modules such as:
Most of the above can still be achieved without using the optional
elements. It will be however at the cost of high redundancy
of unit level metadata and possibly cause potentially illegal overload of some of the
XLIFF Core features.
Example: group.
Extractors set the XLIFF structure, which cannot be
modified (an absolute prohibition expressed in the XLIFF Standards) during the roundtrip
at the unit level or higher. Ensuring or not that the appropriate relationships drive
Extraction from structures of the native
format into XLIFF
elements can make all the difference between hindering or
crippling the roundtrip and making the most of XLIFF features in a compliant way.
Severe problems can be caused by both extremes: too many or not enough
elements. Especially dangerous is Extracting
every segment as a separate
element as this will effectively prevent Modifiers downstream to change segmentation. Changing
segmentation within logically self contained units is one of the key advantages of the
XLIFF 2 structural data model that makes a distinction between the immutable high level
structure (
and higher) and the transient segmentation structure (
elements within each
) that interplays with the inline data model and the inline
annotations' logic.
Example: mapping_to_unit.
Depending on Extraction rules for mapping
of original document structures into XLIFF
Documents, individual sentences within a paragraph; verses within a stanza;
items or entries of a list; rows or cells of a table; items of a dialog window; and so on
might be Extracted as segments of a single
unit. While it is generally not advisable to perform segmentation at the time of
Extraction, Extractors that Extracted
multiple sentences, verses, entries, rows, and so on into a single non-segmented unit (a
element within each
) and their corresponding Mergers need to expect that the Modifiers will need to transform them into individual segments within the
same unit (multiple
elements representing individual sentences, verses,
and so on within each
) during the roundtrip.
In cases where subsequent Modifiers cannot be reasonably expected to detect the segmentation logic, for instance due to the lack of knowledge of the original format logic, the content owner is advised to perform the segmentation and protection of that segmentation before sending their XLIFF Documents for the service roundtrip.
While it's generally desirable to be able to Modify segmentation within a unit during the roundtrip, doing so in some of the above cases might prevent Merging, cause build issues, or have negative impact on target product user experience.
can be used
with care
to control
segmentation Modification behavior. Its values
need to be controlled by rules derived from the structural and inline logic of the native
format. For instance, more often than not it will make sense to set
to no
tables or table rows
UI elements
Extracted as segments of a unit.
In UI elements and tables, it is likely that the available segmentation needs to be
protected, on the other hand, it is advisable not to change the default
for normal paragraph text and similar, see Role of the <unit> Element.
Importantly, preventing Modification of
segmentation using the attribute
(set to no
when necessary) will
prevent reordering of segments within a unit using the
attribute on the
elements within the same unit. So in case an ordered
list needs to be for instance alphabetically collated, translators can do so even in case
attribute is set to no
. The segmentation
logic of the native format remains protected without preventing collation. This would be
all hampered if the Extractor decided to
Extract each segment as a separate unit,
which is the most evil practice that cannot be discouraged enough.
Example: mapping_to_unit.
Guidance for processing standalone and spanning inline functional and formatting elements of localizable content can be summarized into the following list:
Perform complete extraction
Represent spanning code using
where possible)
Represent standalone code using
Include all (even the outermost) inline codes in the Extracted content
Additional details in the XLIFF2 prose.
Spanning codes in the original format are created by an opening
code, the content, and the closing code. In HTML that can be
, in RTF \b text \b0
In XLIFF Documents, such code can be always represented with an
pair, or with spanning
, only for well formed markup.
Ideally, the original format is documented well enough to instruct Extractors about the role of each inline code. For example, XML Schema allows to declare elements using the keyword EMPTY. This way, all elements that are not declared EMPTY, can be represented as described above. To further help the Extraction process, the following recommendation could be implemented in the original XML format: “For interoperability, the empty-element tag SHOULD be used, and SHOULD only be used, for elements which are declared EMPTY.”[ XML ].
Following this recommendation of the XML specification, an empty
ought to be encoded as <span></span>
therefore represented as an
pair in XLIFF Documents, unlike the
always empty <br/>
that has to be represented as a standalone placeholder
This concept is illustrated by the
bad practice
This kind of bad practice encoding doesn't inform the
Agent (human or machine Modifier) that the
original code formed a span and effectively the original spanning code is not protected
during the roundtrip. The standalone
codes can be switched or one of them omitted; simply, the span
is likely to end up misplaced, malformed, or empty simply because the
Translation editor cannot convey to the translator that the codes
need to enclose a certain portion of the original content and what is the semantics of the
original code span.
In some cases, the inline codes can enclose the localizable
string in a way that could suggest omitting them in the Extracted
text. For example, a paragraph containing only a link text, could be
Extracted as the link text only, without the
decoration being represented. This relates to the previous
bad practice
example with the spanning tag represented as two empty
In case the <a></a>
decoration is not represented, the translator
loses valuable context (they cannot check the link), more importantly they don't know that
the text is a link text, and moreover are unable to add any text outside of the link span,
which might be advisable or even mandatory in certain locales.
Ideally, a consistent approach to all inline codes ought to be used during Extraction.
See the relevant bad practice example outermost_inline_excluded.
Some implementers choose not to Extract inline codes at all and use one of the following approaches instead:
CDATA sections as content of
elements (cdata)
Escaping of native codes using XML entities (inline_codes_plain_text)
Doing one of the above can be used as a useful interim Extraction step when producing XLIFF Documents that are fit for roundtrip. However, it is strongly discouraged to send XLIFF Documents with the inline content not fully parsed for Localization roundtrip.
Such incomplete Extraction leaves inline codes unprotected and increases the risk of their corruption during the roundtrip, simply pushing the problem of inline code handling downstream.
According to the XLIFF [ XLIFF-2.1 ] Standards, Modifiers can perform secondary parsing:
“ Writers may preserve original CDATA sections ” (meaning that it is entirely optional to preserve CDATA sections and that XLIFF Writers are not obliged to preserve CDATA sections)
text can be converted into inline codes.
Mergers have to accept XLIFF files with valid modifications, even though they may ignore the added codes.
Finally, it is considered an XML internationalization best
practice to avoid CDATA sections in localizable content. This best practice is of
course also valid for XLIFF
Strictly speaking, it is not illegal to create XLIFF Documents that contain CDATA sections or unparsed entities instead of fully parsed XLIFF inline content. However, considering all of the above, it is clear that unparsed inline content makes XLIFF Documents unfit for a fully interoperable roundtrip. Again, strictly speaking, XLIFF Documents with unparsed inline content are capable of roundtrip but all the effort that is saved on Extraction will cause unpredictable issues and hence even more effort when Merging back.
Implementers need to consider that XLIFF Documents with unparsed inline content are very likely to return with critical inline syntax or formatting corruptions that cannot be prevented on CDATA sections or entities that are both opaque to XLIFF Modifiers. Such corruptions are likely to prevent proper functionality of target content in the native environment. In case XLIFF Modifiers do perform the secondary parsing of content unparsed on Extraction, which is allowed by the standard, corruption will be prevented, however, Mergers will need to perform unparsing to facilitate merging back into the native environment, because XLIFF Modifiers are not and cannot be obliged to unparse back to CDATA sections or entities not knowing the Extraction and Merging logic of the XLIFF Document originator.
As original inline codes can occur in clusters, for instance as nested formatting, implementers could be tempted to combine such markup on Extraction and represent it as a single inline element.
This kind of Extraction is likely to prevent potentially desirable Modification of inline codes , affecting Translation quality. It will also prevent usage of fine grained code metadata (for instance context, display, and editing hints) or automated format validation during the roundtrip.
On the other hand, some potential benefit can be perceived in reducing markup inside segment content, which is useful in CAT tools that cannot properly display the inline codes (render information available through original data or context hints). In such tools, less markup reduces the visual clutter and makes the translatable text more readable. This can be solved by proper choice of CAT tools (short term) or by large buyers requesting that offending tool vendors do support proper rendering of inline code data and metadata (mid and long term).
Implementers need to consider the pros and cons of both approaches and use the one that best matches their business need.
For examples see multiple_codes_represented_as_single.
This section focuses on reasons whether or not to populate the
element during Extraction or
Enriching and when to do so, if at all.
Generally, one should omit the
element, unless there is an added value and also in cases
where the specification offers another dedicated solution. Proper support of the state
machine during the whole roundtrip helps
Agents to process and validate the XLIFF
Documents as intended.
When looking at the situation from the microservices architecture point of view, the Extractor/Merger ought to be implemented as just that — a single purpose Extraction/Merging service that delegates any other operations, such as segmentation or Enriching to other specialized services.
Output of such extractor would be a target language agnostic XLIFF Document with source content only, possibly with additional modules/extensions which could not be generated after extraction, for example Size and Length Restriction Module or Format Style Module.
Unless the implementer has a specific need to create target language specific instances of the extracted XLIFF Document, for instance by Enriching with translation candidates, the Extracted XLIFF Document could and ought to be sent downstream for the Localization roundtrip as-is.
The copy of the source content in
elements generally does not provide any advantage during
the XLIFF roundtrip. On the contrary, it brings disadvantages such as needlessly
increasing the size of the XLIFF Document or
enforcing existence of the
attribute with a specific BCP 47 compliant value.
elements are also likely to prevent segmentation
modification, unless the target content is intentionally removed (which service providers
are understandably hesitant to do). Not the least issue is that the source content copied
to the target actually is
in the target language indicated by the
BCP 47 tag on the XLIFF root element, which can cause a host of other processing issues.
bad practice
of populating
elements with source content used to facilitate parsing and
editing of XLIFF in
editors or generic XML editors that
didn't have XLIFF support and could only open for translation certain elements in generic
XML formats. As such, this practice is strongly discouraged.
Bad practice example: source_in_target.
elementsEnriching Agents can use translation memories, machine translation engines, or other means to obtain suitable translation candidate strings in the target language to be used later in the roundtrip, for example as suggestions for translators, to achieve better leverage, or to get higher consistency with previous translations.
Using the
element for storing such translation candidates limits the
number of the possible proposed translations to a single one per segment. Moreover, this
way it's not possible to pass critical metadata about the translation candidate, such as
its origin, similarity, or quality (all those are available in a dedicated module),
causing interoperability issues for Agents
without prior knowledge of the workflow.
Inserting translation candidates into
elements during Extraction or Enriching
constitutes an illegal overload of the core element with a clearly set purpose. The Translation Candidates Module was designed exactly to provide translators with
multiple translation candidates along with metadata that facilitate decision making and
effective reuse. Moreover, the module can address sub-segment matches.
Example: pre-populated_target.
The XLIFF specification contains attributes for managing a segment state machine. The
attributes used are
. The
attribute can only be used as long as the
attribute is used. The
attribute is for high level interoperability. The
attribute allows implementers to define private
sub-state machines that can give more fine-grained sub-states based on their private
workflow needs.
attribute defines just a high level four states state
engine. The values are initial
, translated
, and final
. Although this attribute is
optional on the
element, it is assumed as having the default value
whenever not used explicitly. There are some important advantages
to using the state machine explicitly. Importantly,
elements are optional in the initial
state. So
if you want to even enforce
existence in your deliverables you should be using at least
the high level four states state engine provided by the Core
. Setting the
attribute of a
to translated
or later does enforce
existence within that segment.
Using the high level states reviewed
and final
gives you
even more control over the progressive validation of the XLIFF
Documents you're roundtripping. All of the states translated
, and final
will trigger validation of the inline data
model within
elements, which is not being validated in the
state where even the existence of
elements is not assumed. Violations of the inline data
model including Editing hints are being tested in all states more advanced than
. Those violations are considered "Warnings" at
and reviewed
states. Only in the final
state, those violations will become actual "Errors" that render the XLIFF
Document invalid.
The XLIFF specification provides a number of attributes that allow to manage the behavior and validation of structural and inline elements; such as controlling the localizability of text; protecting non-deletable inline codes, or preserving their order; controlling the segmentation modification; or providing additional context to other agents downstream.
The default values of the editing hints and potential need to set them otherwise need to be considered when creating Extraction rules to prevent issues which can be only identified by automated validation with editing hints set as intended.
Original source text can contain functional inline codes apart from formatting ones, such as software placeholders to be replaced during runtime. Removal of these placeholders or other functional code, either intentional or accidental, during the Translation roundtrip can produce valid XLIFF Documents that will nevertheless fail to merge back, cause build failures later on, or create other functional issues in the Translated product.
The XLIFF specification provides the editing hint
with its default value set to yes
that is thus
automatically used or can be explicitly set on any inline code. For most of the formatting
codes, the default value yes
is fine, so that there is no need to set the
attribute explicitly most of the times. The default value means that the codes can be
removed during localization as the translators see fit. A typical example is the need to
remove italics or bold formatting codes in Chinese or Japanese target content. These
languages don't use typographical methods of emphasis and non-deletable formatting codes
tend to complicate life of translators into such languages. On the other hand, Extractors need to take care to set the
attribute to no
explicitly whenever an inline
code is critical for Merging back of the
XLIFF Document, their build process, or
product functionality.
In case the order or nesting of inline codes in the original document is prescribed (for instance by a schema), it has to be preserved in the target content during the localization roundtrip to prevent Merge issues, or validation fails after Merging.
The attribute
on the inline code determines, whether each code can be
moved before, or after another code. Again, the default value of this attribute is
meaning that the inline codes can be reordered as the translators see
This attribute is used to create and protect non-reorderable sequences of inline codes if necessary for proper inline code functionality.
... <source><pc id="1" canCopy="no" canDelete="no" canReorder="firstNo"> <pc id="2" canCopy="no" canDelete="no" canReorder="no">this is linktext</pc> <ph id="3" canCopy="no" canDelete="no" canReorder="no"/> </pc> </source> ...
Since this attribute is supported by native XLIFF validation artifacts
(XLIFF Core Schematron Schemas), potential reordering of the
tags in the corresponding
element will be called out when validating
elements with the state more advanced than
. See also the Sate Machine
Example: editing_hints_canReorder.
The Agents in the roundtrip, human or machines, need enough information to make appropriate decisions regarding operations on inline codes, and how the codes impact the adequacy and fluency of the target text, the context in short.
These additional metadata can be provided using the context hints attributes:
, and
The XLIFF Standards provide the
that ought to be used to store the native content of
the represented inline elements. Its
child can even contain CDATA sections that are strongly discouraged in XLIFF content.
Original data, as a sort of internal skeleton, are likely to be intended to facilitate collaboration between the Extractor and the Merger, not necessarily suitable for use by other roundtrip Agents. The original data content can be, for instance, too long to render correctly in the CAT tool.
Extractors are encouraged to populate the
value of
attributes with a suitable plain text representation of the
original data and the corresponding
attributes with a user-friendly variant of the same.
Alternatively, the same task could be performed further downstream by an Enricher that can understand the content of the
. Separating features of Extractors and Enrichers is in line with SOA and microservices architectures.
Example: context_hints.
Compared to the
pair tag, which can be only used to represent well-formed
spanning codes within a single
, the more universal
pair can handle segmentation changes, span across segments,
other codes, or annotations, and even represent orphaned native inline codes. Sounds
great, so why use
at all?
The fact that
pairs do support for overlapping codes will, however, create
an issue in a situation where
pairs are used to represent multiple well-formed spanning codes
without setting their
attribute to no
. In such cases, the
well-formedness of the original codes is not protected and can be corrupted during the
roundtrip. It will be impossible to prevent this corruption with native XLIFF methods
unless the
and possibly
attributes are properly set. So in case of representing
well-formed native markup, using the
pair tag is likely to be easier for the Extactor. On the other hand, it is important to
consider that transforming the
pair tag into an
pair is always allowed. So the Mergers need to prepared to handle
even in case their corresponding Extractor used only the
pair tag.
Example: editing_hints_canOverlap.
There are many other good or bad practice concepts that do not belong to any of the above categories. Some of them are listed in this section:
Implementers could be tempted to store values of resource Ids in the
attribute of XLIFF structural or elements. It should be stressed
that the XLIFF
attribute is intended for internal and external addressing of XLIFF fragments. While the XLIFF
value is restricted to NMTOKEN, the native format might not have such a restriction. Invalid
characters in XLIFF
attributes will render the whole XLIFF Document invalid. Although this would typically be discovered as soon
as the first validation occurs, it can still be costly to fix in a large or a long running project.
![]() |
Note |
A real life example: A long running software localization project used its resource Ids as XLIFF
attribute is designed to store the original identifier of the
resource, it can be any string without restrictions. On the
element, the
attribute can be used for the same purpose.
Example: id_and_name.
Whitespaces can be important inside nodes such as <pre>
, containing
for instance code samples, and Modifying them during the roundtrip
is not desirable.
Whitespaces (more than one of the whitespace characters in a sequence) are, however, generally insignificant in the text nodes of markup formats, such as XML or HTML, and can be changed anytime (even not intentionally as an XLIFF transform) by, for example, reformatting and indentation (so called pretty-printing) without affecting the layout of the rendered document.
Thus, one cannot indiscriminately either preserve, or normalize. Since most of TMS and CAT tools penalize whitespace discrepancies, the leverage could be negatively affected if whitespaces are Modified, and layout of nodes with significant whitespace could be corrupted.
The general best practice, also taking into account the ITS Preserve Space data category is the following:
The Extractor itself ought to
Normalize native content where possible, not relying on other Agents in the roundtrip to do so and
protect XLIFF structural elements with
set to preserve
Please note that the XLIFF default for
is default
. Therefore, it is important to ensure
that content with mixed whitespace behavior is normalized and then protected with
explicitly set to or inherited as preserve
. The
default XLIFF Core behavior is only useful if
all whitespace is globally insignificant.
Additional details in the XLIFF spec.
Example: xml_space_preserve.
There are cases, when it's necessary to prevent localization of inline content parts otherwise exposed to localization, be it brand names, or functional inline code, such as software placeholders.
XLIFF offers two options for :
each of them having different purpose and offering different features and options.
Careful consideration is necessary to decide which way to protect a particular non-translatable string type, as the two methods are neither equivalent nor interchangeable.
Usually, the translate annotation is suitable for protecting linguistically significant
content, e. g. non-localizable brand or product names, while
is better for representing standalone codes without a syntactic
role, typically standalone formatting artifacts such as <br/>
![]() |
Note |
XLIFF Core validation artifacts do not support validating translate annotations by design. It is the ultimate decision of the Modifier if a span annotated as non-translatable will indeed stay unchanged based on linguistic and context considerations. If the validation of the non-translatable annotations is necessary, it needs to be added for instance as custom validation code or a custom Schematron rule, based on particular business needs and validation infrastructure options. |
Placeholders and variables to be replaced with syntactically significant content on
runtime are a particularly difficult use case to address. The functional variable usually
doesn't provide much of a context for the translator even in case when not replaced by the
element and just surrounded by the do-not-translate annotation.
The best way to represent such variables is to use
with the
attribute set to ui
and the
attribute set to xlf:var
. See the XLIFF
Constraints for the
attribute. In general, the
elements need to be accompanied by appropriate context and editing hints. The
is suitable to display (in a CAT tool GUI) an example value
that is likely to be used on runtime. The same or a related value can be used also for the
plain text equivalent (rendering) hint
Example: ph_and_mrk.
Modifiers can perform various valid transformations during an XLIFF roundtrip. XLIFF compliant Mergers need to be able correctly handle all of them, as those changes are canonical validity preserving operations. See in particular the clause 2.e. of the XLIFF Conformance section.
These operations are (in order of importance or severity of issues caused if ignored):
Converting CDATA sections and parseable text (such as XML entities) into XLIFF inline codes.
Equivalent conversion of
elements into
pairs (always allowed and possible) and
( only possible with well-formed spanning codes),
Adding, and removing of inline codes (taking into account the editing hints and their Processing Requirements),
Content Enrichment with Annotations and Context Hints,
Performing of any other changes allowed by Processing Requirements.
Extraction not following best practices usually just shifts the problems further downstream, forcing other Agents to mitigate the inherited issues, more often than not leading to unexpected, undesirable, or unpredictable results that will trip over the Merging after the roundtrip.
Additional guidance is also available in the XLIFF Best Practice for Mergers .
Example: merging.
Agents in the roundtrip, machine and human,
need to be able to sufficiently identify the languages used in XLIFF Documents. The two main languages (the source and
the target language) of the XLIFF bitext are primarily specified by the attributes
. The optional
attributes on the
elements are directly inherited from
respectively and are in fact provided only for generic XML
Processors interoperability. The attribute itsm:lang
serves just
to define inline foreign language spans via annotations if necessary.
What language tag to use is usually not an issue for languages like Slovak
) or Czech (cs
) that are spoken predominantly in one
country and encoded exclusively using one script. This becomes a more prominent question
for languages used in different regions, such as English (en-GB
); using various scripts, for example Uyghur (ug-Arab
, ug-Latn
); or having multiple variants like Basic
English (
The use cases for the correctly set fine-grained language tags vary from simple, such
as spell-check, which will behave quite differently for en-GB
, compared to
; to more complex, like using fr-FR
as a reference language for a Translation
into fr-CA
MT engines will return Serbian encoded with the Cyrillic script (sr-Cyrl
output when the request contains the language tag
albeit the user
might have meant and expected Serbian written with the Latin script
). Human translators would hopefully ask which of the two was the
desired one or just provide sr-Cyrl
as the machines. More dangerous than
translators would be undocumented internal mapping tables and custom business rules
facilitating communication between roundtrip actors that could assume different defaults
when not given an unequivocal language tag, or worse ignore a valid fine-grained language
tag they don't cover.
The XLIFF Standards prescribe that the BCP 47 language tags are to be used as values for attributes specifying human natural languages used in the XLIFF Documents. The Unicode Consortium offers a tool available online, which can help to perform basic validation of selected language tags.
Generally, language tags need to be carefully chosen for source, target, and reference languages in XLIFF Documents, and it is worth your time to consult external resources, or language experts; even more so, if you are not familiar with the defaults for the language in question.
Example: language_tags.
The native format can contain various reserved characters, or their sequences, for structural and inline markup, as well as for programmatic purposes. While not explicitly violating XLIFF Constraints and Processing Requirements, their incidence in the Extracted content could point out issues with the Extraction process.
One could implement a sanity check for the Extractor output that would identify potential problems by looking for such characters, or sequences of them. Failing such a sanity check would ideally interrupt the roundtrip as early as possible, allow for an update of the Extraction rules, and for redoing the Extraction in order to prevent problems further downstream. Not at least, Extraction would expose such control characters or their sequences to localization transformations that would most probably be harmful with regards to the Merge and build processes.
Example: sanity_check.
Since XLIFF is a roundtrip oriented format that is supposed to facilitate complex workflows bringing together best of breed specialized Agents, it makes huge business sense to validate, to validate a lot, everywhere, and all the time. Successful validation on every input and output step is the critical factor for successful "blind", plug-and-play, or unsupervised interoperability. If you are designing a service architecture facilitated by XLIFF as the canonical data model, or if you are otherwise integrating many services that are consuming and outputting XLIFF, it makes sense to expose XLIFF validation as a reusable microservice that is freely available and even mandated at every input and output step in your ecosystem, service layer, or service bus. When your tool is supposed to receive XLIFF Documents, check first if the XLIFF you are trying to consume is indeed valid. Also if you are outputting XLIFF Documents that other Agents or service providers are supposed to consume, do check that you are outputting valid XLIFF. Don't force your service providers to accept invalid XLIFF, rather take their pushback as a signal that something might be wrong with your process. Do remember that problems pushed downstream will force various mitigation steps among a potentially large number of Agents and those problems will resurface unpredictably shape-shifted no later than at the time when you will try to Merge the XLIFF back, or worse as the localized product's issues, if Merging and building miraculously succeed.
XLIFF is a format that has been blessed with multiple low level implementations, therefore you have also multiple options for XLIFF validation. Since XLIFF Version 2.1, most of the advanced validation checks that required custom code in XLIFF 2.0 can be validated using the XLIFF TC provided Schematron schemas that are in fact an integral normative part of the OASIS Standard. XLIFF TC provided artifacts (xsd, sch, and NVDL) can be used for validation in any generic XML editor. However, if you are trying to design an automated workflow you'd not typically rely on manual or semi-automated validation in XML editors, you ought rather try and build a service that is for instance using the xslt rendering of the Schematron schemas or create a service out of the command line Lynx tool that is part of the open source OAKAPI XLIFF Toolkit (java). The open source Microsoft XLIFF Object Model (.NET) contains built in validation (can be disabled). The fourth option to validate XLIFF is Bryan Schnabel's Xmarker. Advanced miscroservices architectures would ideally adopt more than one low level method of validation. This can be used either for redundancy or for double-checking of validation results, comparing of error messages for advanced trouble-shooting and so on.
This specification attempts (among other goals) to make the XLIFF Standards more accessible to content owners that are not necessarily looking into the full nitty-gritty of the XLIFF specs. It gives a general guidance how to handle constructs common in HTML and generic XML, it also provides some basic information on Extraction from Content Management Systems and software resources. The TAPICC WG3 and the Editors look forward to receiving feedback how to make this Informational Best Practice even more useful, potentially how and in what directions to expand its scope.
We haven't utterly failed if a multilingual publishing data flow designer took home what are the basic design principles behind XLIFF as the exchange bitext format, both at the structural and the inline levels. We hopefully managed to introduce and explain good business reasons for thoughtful, properly structured, and metadata rich XLIFF Extraction that will in turn facilitate fully automated, gold standard Merge and target build processes.
XLIFF Extraction can never make sense when perceived on its own, as an isolated process. Since XLIFF doesn't purport to standardize Merging without the full knowledge of the Extraction mechanism, all implementers that build Extractors will need to build Mergers in order to benefit from the exercise. In fact, for a corporate owner the Extractor/Merger will be considered a single application with two end points. Designers of such tools need to be acutely aware that every design compromise made at the Extraction endpoint will compromise the ability of downstream Agents to perform lossless bitext transformations and thus will in the end undesirably and sometimes unpredictably affect their own Merging endpoint that will have to receive the XLIFF Documents after a localization roundtrip.
Sometimes, some service providers do accept horrible and ugly "XLIFF" pretending that there is nothing to worry. In such cases, rest assured that the service provider had to complement the poor Extraction/Merge job with their own costly pre- and post-processing routines, or worse pushed them even further downstream onto the translators who may or may not be tech-savvy enough to preserve unprotected features that are critical for your build or runtime functionality. No matter if issues resurface in your localized product, you can rest assured that you are paying extra for solving issues that you could have solved easier on your own or you are not providing the translators with sufficient metadata to produce the best possible technical and linguistic in-context quality.
[XML] W3C: Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 26 November 2008 https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/
[XLIFF-2.1] Edited by David Filip, Tom Comerford, Soroush Saadatfar, Felix Sasaki, and Yves Savourel: XLIFF Version 2.1 13 February 2018 http://docs.oasis-open.org/xliff/xliff-core/v2.1/os/xliff-core-v2.1-os.html http://docs.oasis-open.org/xliff/xliff-core/v2.1/xliff-core-v2.1.html
[XLIFF-2.0] Edited by Tom Comerford, David Filip, Rodolfo M. Raya, and Yves Savourel: XLIFF Version 2.0 04 August 2014 http://docs.oasis-open.org/xliff/xliff-core/v2.0/os/xliff-core-v2.0-os.html http://docs.oasis-open.org/xliff/xliff-core/v2.0/xliff-core-v2.0.html
[ISO XLIFF] Edited by Tom Comerford, David Filip, Rodolfo M. Raya, and Yves Savourel: ISO 21720:2017 - XLIFF (XML Localisation interchange file format) November 2017 https://www.iso.org/standard/71490.html
[BCP 47] M. Davis: Tags for Identifying Languages, http://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47 IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force).